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Friday 10 October 2014

Keep your face fresh during the Autumm/Winter Months!

Hello My Lovelies. Today is something a little different, I've teamed up with my wonderful friend Leanne, who not only is a make up artist but a skincare Guru! (I've gotten all of my skincare tips from this little lady). Skincare is very important especially in these colder months, the cold weather can be harsh on your skin. So for that healthy glow all year round and perfect skin (Yes that's including that spot on your chin, nothings ever 100%), check out Leanne's tips for that perfect face. I hope you guys enjoy this post and look out for more posts featuring Leanne over the coming months.

Stay Fab Lovelies

Melody B.

My Skincare Routine!!
So my lovely friend Melody has asked me to write a piece for today’s blog post on a good skincare routine for the Autumn/Winter months!
A good skincare routine is more important than you could ever imagine! It cleanses the skin of make-up that you may have missed with your face wipes (which btw should only ever be used at 4am after a night out, they are so bad for your skin!!!), and it clears out blocked pores and helps your skin to breathe. So here's my skincare routine and my top tips to having beautiful, soft skin! 

My top tip!! 

Choose your products wisely! You need a cleanser, a toner and a moisturiser. I use “Garnier Skin Naturals” products and they are amazing! They come in a range of different products for different skin types. If you have dry or dehydrated skin like me, the “Goodbye Dry” cleansing lotion is a gift from heaven! Your dry flaky patches will be gone after a few days using this product! Plus they cost less than €6 each and they last for about 6 months. Bargain!!


As I said in my opening paragraph, face wipes should only be used at 4am when you do not have the energy or effort to do an entire cleanse, tone and moisturise! They don’t remove the make-up trapped in your pores and they also make your skin dry and irritated, and nobody wants that!

Buy a good moisturiser! 

Moisturiser can be expensive, but it’s definitely worth it. I use “La Roche-Posay” and I highly recommend it. Like I said, it is expensive. A 50ml bottle is around €20 but again it lasts between 6-8 months! I’m going to leave the link to their website at the end of this post. It will help you find the right product for your skin and will also tell you where you can purchase it!

Now the part you’re all here for, my actual skincare routine!

  • Start with your cleanser. Take some on the palm of your hand and rub it between both hands for 5-6 seconds to warm it up a little. Next, start with your neck and cheeks and work your way up in large circular motions. Pay close attention to the side of your nose, make up gets trapped there all the time. Move up to your forehead, take the palm of your hands and rub across your forehead and down on to your temples. Wash your face with lukewarm water, it helps to open your pores and results in a deeper cleanse. Pat your face dry with a facecloth and remember don’t be rough!
  • When you've completely dried your face, take your toner and pour some onto a cotton pad. This is definitely the easiest step. All you have to do, with the cotton pad, is rub the toner all over your face. This is very important because it helps to close the pores and stops dirt and make up getting trapped inside them, while still allowing skin to breathe! It also stops the build-up of dirt in the pores which results in less spots. Yay!!
  • Lastly, after your toner has dried in, take your moisturiser and with the same circular motions as step one, apply it all over your face. If you suffer with dry skin, concentrate on the dry areas more! If you have oily skin, you won’t need to use as much moisturiser.

So that it is, simple and easy and should only take you about 5 to 6 minutes! If you like to wear heavy eye make-up, you should definitely invest in the “Garnier Skin Naturals” eye make-up remover. It is really gentle on the eyes and it helps strengthen and protect eye lashes too! Also, once every one to two weeks you should use a face mask. There are some amazing tutorials on YouTube for home made face masks which will leave your skin looking and feeling amazing! 
I really hope this blog post helps and if any of you are confident enough, I would really love to see before and after pictures of your skin after 6 weeks of using this routine! If any readers have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me! I’ll leave my page link down below!

It has been a pleasure, and I hope I have the privilege of writing more for this wonderful blog in the future!
Lots of love,
Leanne x

My page -  https://www.facebook.com/LeanneLennonMUA


  1. Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks Hun! Xx

    1. I'm glad doll! Hope it helps and you find something to work for you :') xxx
